Ten Australian Aboriginal Quotes and Sayings on Spirituality, Nature and Humanity

Mudrooroo - Our spirituality is a oneness and an interconnectedness with all that lives and breathes, even with all that does not live or breathe.

  • Our spirituality is a oneness and an interconnectedness with all that lives and breathes, even with all that does not live or breathe. -Mudrooroo
  • So I take this word reconciliation and I use it to reconcile people back to Mother Earth, so they can walk this land together and heal one another because she’s the one that gives birth to everything we see around us, everything we need to survive. -Max Dulumunmun Harrison
  • We cultivated our land, but in a way different from the white man. We endeavored to live with the land; they seemed to live off it. I was taught to preserve, never to destroy. -Tom Dystra
  • This earth, I never damage. I look after. Fire is nothing, just clean up. When you burn, new grass coming up. That means good animal soon, Might be goanna, possum, wallaby. Burn him off, new grass coming up, new life all over. -Bill Neidjie
  • The land is my mother. Like a human mother, the land gives us protection, enjoyment and provides our needs – economic, social and religious. We have a human relationship with the land: Mother, daughter, son. When the land is taken from us or destroyed, we feel hurt because we belong to the land and we are part of it. -Djinyini Gondarra
  • Racism is a disease in society. We’re all equal. I don’t care what their color is, or religion. Just as long as they’re human beings they’re my buddies. -Mandawuy Yunupingu
  • The more you know, the less you need. -Australian Aboriginal saying
  • To us, health is about so much more than simply not being sick. It’s about getting a balance between physical, mental, emotional, cultural and spiritual health. Health and healing are interwoven, which means that one can’t be separated from the other. -Dr Tamara Mackean
  • At the Sunrise Ceremony, I meditate and ask the Great Spirit for direction. My hands fill with electricity. I touch you and you feel it, too. I heal people this way. My Grandmother did that, too. I learned all about that when I was a young fellow… We learn to respect the elders who hand on the Law. The elders guard the Law and the Law guards the people. This is the Law that comes from the mountain. The mountain teaches the dreaming. -Guboo Ted Thomas
  • “We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love… and then we return home.” – Australian Aboriginal saying

6 thoughts on “Ten Australian Aboriginal Quotes and Sayings on Spirituality, Nature and Humanity

  1. We are looking for quotes from famous or important Indigenous leaders from Australia to put on our walls in our new Gallery in Rotterdam the Netherlands. Any help will be apprecisted. Best regards, Michel Arends from the Aboriginal Art Gallery Rotterdam


  2. We are looking for quotes from famous or important Indigenous leaders from Australia to put on our walls in our new Gallery in Rotterdam the Netherlands. Any help will be appreciated. Best regards, Michel Arends from the Aboriginal Art Gallery Rotterdam


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